sfdss (1)


  • HY Voice Bluetooth Remote Control

    HY Voice Bluetooth Remote Control

    Taolo e hole e sebelisoa ka nako e telele, 'me letlapa la conductive la senotlolo le silafetse, le lebisang ho hloleheng ha senotlolo.
    Tharollo ea tšohanyetso ke ho bula ka hloko sekoahelo se ka morao sa "remote control", ho qoelisa k'hothone swab ka joala, ho hlakola rabara ea conductive holim'a senotlolo sa polasetiki le sebaka sa khatiso sa boto ea khatiso.Lintho tse ntšo li tla sala holim'a swab ea k'hothone, ebe li nkela sebaka sa k'hothone ebe u hlakola hape ho fihlela ho se ho se na lintho tse ntšo.Ebe o kenya remote control hape.

  • HY Bluetooth remote control FOR ROKU TV

    HY Bluetooth remote control FOR ROKU TV

    HY-162,Ruko Tcl TV taolo e holeRc280 e nang le lentsoe Smart TV. Khetla ena e entsoe ka polasetiki ea ABS, 'me likonopo li entsoe ka resin ea maiketsetso.Lisebelisuoa tsohle li entsoe tlhahlobo ea RoHS le ho finyella litlhoko tsa ISO9001, FEE, joalo-joalo, ho etsa hore li tšoanelehe ka ho feletseng bakeng sa ho romelloa. moralo oa khetla e ka morao o ka eketsa ka katleho boiphihlelo ba mosebelisi.Ho feta moo, taolo e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e hole e lekoa pele e romelloa ho netefatsa hore sehlahisoa ka seng se fihla matsohong a moreki mme se maemong a matle.

  • HY mx3 android TV box control remote

    HY mx3 android TV box control remote

    HY-074, taolo e ncha ea mx3 2.4g, e se nang mohala holim'a mouse le keyboard bakeng sa mini PC le lebokose la TV la android.Khetla ena e entsoe ka polasetiki ea ABS 'me likonopo li entsoe ka rabara ea silicone.Lisebelisoa tsohle li entsoe tlhahlobo ea RoHS' me li finyella litlhoko tsa ISO9001, FEE, joalo-joalo, li etsa hore li tšoanelehe ka ho feletseng bakeng sa ho romela thepa.Ho feta moo, taolo e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e hōle e lekoa pele e romeloa. ho etsa bonnete ba hore sehlahisoa ka seng se fihla matsohong a moreki mme se maemong a matle.

  • HY Bluetooth Audio Remote Control

    HY Bluetooth Audio Remote Control

    Molao-motheo oa ts'ebetso ea Bluetooth audio player remote control ke ka tsela e latelang: 1. The Bluetooth transmitter tube on remote control fetola matshwao a ho kenya ka matshwao a sa bonahaleng a Bluetooth;2. 2. Ebe o le romela;3. Lihlahisoa tse nang le li-receiver tsa Bluetooth li fumana matšoao a sa bonahaleng a Bluetooth, a ntan'o fetoloa matšoao a mesebetsi ea sehlahisoa bakeng sa ts'ebetso.

  • HY 49 Key IR TV Taolo ea Remoutu

    HY 49 Key IR TV Taolo ea Remoutu

    Taolo e hole ea IR TV e sebetsa ka ho sebelisa tšupa e fetisang leseli la infrared ho fetola lets'oao le kenang hore e be infrared e sa bonahaleng ebe e romelloa.Ka mor'a moo, ntho ea remote control e hokahanngoa le hlooho e amohelang infrared ho amohela infrared e sa bonahaleng, ebe e fetoloa letšoao le ka sebelisoang ho tsamaisa ntho eo.

  • Hua Yun 43 Key Bluetooth Voice Remote Control HY-142

    Hua Yun 43 Key Bluetooth Voice Remote Control HY-142

    Taolo ea remoutu ea lentsoe ea Bluetooth e its'etleha haholo ho phetiso ea data ea waelese ea Bluetooth ho hlokomela ts'ebetso ea taolo e hole.Mabapi le ho batla ka lentsoe le ho kenya, e fumaneha haholo ka microphone e hahelletsoeng ka har'a remote control.Chip e sebetsana le kananelo ea lentsoe le data e amanang le eona.